Release history
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This feature-release has the following new features and enhancements:
- Line-wise staging by selecting lines from hunks (JD Smith)
- Discarding hunks/changes to files (using git apply --reverse) (Johannes Gilger)
- Show current HEAD in window-title (Johannes Gilger)
- Show current branch in orange in history view (Steven Michalske)
- Collapse commit-list/diff-view using Command-Shift-Up/Down (Johannes Gilger)
- Sign-Off commits in commit view (Johannes Gilger, Nicolas Riley)
- "Show in Finder" for files in commit view (Charles O'Rourke)
- Commit hooks are executed when committing (Joe Fiorini, Pieter de Bie)
- Branches can be deleted from the UI
Small enhancements:
- Option to disable the "Open" dialog on start (Stonewall Ballard)
- Show committer name if it differs from authors name (Benjamin Kramer)
- Columns in history view can be toggled (Pieter de Bie)
- Reuse author-information when amending a commit (Pieter de Bie)
- Commit interface is now faster (Pieter de Bie)
- Use modal alerts where possible
- Don't display content of binary-files in tree-view
- The user manual has been updated for 0.7 (Johannes Gilger)
- Make the Commit UI a bit more informative (Nicholas Riley)
In addition a lot of bugs were fixed and numerous tiny features introduced.
Credits go to: Pieter de Bie, Johannes Gilger, Benjamin Kramer, Nicholas Riley, JD Smith, Joe Fiorini, Dave Grijalva, Charles O'Rourke, Gerd Knops, dbr, Mike Czepiel, Benoit Cerrina, Steven Michalske and Stonewall Ballard
This is a maintenance release. The following bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed a problem where GitX could not open some directories, for example those that include a . [Johannes Gilger]
- Fixed a performance issue when staging or unstaging a lot of files
- Various buildfixes (Benjamin Kramer, Arjen Laarhoven)
This is a maintenance release. The following bugs have been fixed:
- Fix many display bugs in the history view (Thanks to Johannes Gilger)
- Fix moving of refs
- GitX no longer stalls if you have a large amount of untracked files
- GitX now asks for confirmation before deleting a branch
- GitX no longer shows ghost files after staging a hunk
- Dragging and dropping a tree now correctly copies all files
In addition, the following features have been added:
- There is now a 'New…' option to create a new repository
- The 'Gist It' feature now asks for confirmation by default. This can be changed in the preferences
- GitX can now open any directory by dragging it on the icon
- GitX now asks for confirmation before deleting a branch
This is a bugfix release. The following bugs have been fixed:
- The commit view shows new files with linebreaks
- The history view works with Git >= 1.5.4 again
- Reloading the detailed view in the History no longer causes an empty page
This release has the following new features and enhancements:
- The diff display now looks much nicer, using boxes to segment files
- The toolbar can now me customized
- Images that have been changed or added in a commit can now be viewed inline in GitX
- GitX has gained a preference pane which allows you to specify a git path and disable the Gist and Gravatar integration
- The commit interface is now more intuitive. Particularly, you can now select multiple files and use drag and drop to stage / unstage files
- You can now drag and drop files out of the commit view
- The files in the commit view have gained a context menu that allows you to revert changes / open the file / ignore the file
- It is now possible to adjust the amount of context lines in the commit view. Using a smaller context size allows you to do more fine-grained commits
- The branch menu is now organized in branches/remotes/tags
- The view switch button now uses icons rather than words
- The view shortcuts have changed to use command 1/2 for the history/commit view. The history's subviews can now be changed using command-option-1/2/3
- Listing commits has become much faster
- GitX no longer spawns zombie processes
- GitX now shows a list of files that have been changed in a commit
- GitX now uses libgit2 to store object id's, reducing it's memory footprint
In addition many bugs were fixed, including the correct calculation of a gravatar MD5 hash.
This feature release has several new smaller or larger features:
- The current branch is now highlighted
- In the commit view, there is an option to amend commits
- The "Gist it" button now respects github.user/token
- Display a gravatar of the committer
- The commit message view now displays a vertical line at 50 characters
- It is now possible to revert changes by using the context menu in the commit view
- You can now stage only parts of a file by using the "Stage Hunk" buttons in the commit view
- You can now use GitX to show a diff of anything, for example by using 'gitx --diff HEAD^^' or 'git diff HEAD~3 | gitx --diff'
- You can now drag and drop refs to move them and also create branches
In addition, the following bugs have been fixed:
- Better detection of git version
- Branch lines are no longer interspersed with half a pixel of whitespace
- The toolbar keeps its state when switching views
This is a maintenance release. Most important fixes:
- The diff display is now much faster
- More locations are now searched for a default git
- Code pasted online is now private
v0.4: Changes since v0.3.1
- A new commitview, allowing you to selectively add changes and commit them.
- You can now upload a commit as a patch to
- GitX now searches for your git binary in more directories and is smarter about reporting errors regarding git paths.
- You can now remove branches by right-clicking on them in the detailed view
- GitX now comes with a spicy new icon
- The diff view has become prettier and now also highlights trailing whitespace.
- Various little changes and stability improvement
- Fixed a serious crasher
V0.3: Changes since v0.2.1
- You can now pass on command-line arguments just like you can with 'git log'
- The program has an icon
- Also displays remote branches in the branch list
- Is better in determining if a directory is a bare git repository
- Support for --left-right: use 'gitx --left-right HEAD..origin/master' to see which commits are only on your branch or on their branch
- Navigate through changed hunks by using j/k keys
- Scroll down in webview by using space / shift-space
- Added Sparkle update system
V0.2: Changes since v0.1
- The graph now has colors
- There are now lables attached to commits